Monday, January 7, 2013

Ready For This?

As most people know, Basic Military Training (BMT) is at Lackland Air Force Base in San Antonio, Texas. It lasts 8.5 weeks and teaches everything from disassembling guns and first aid to biological and chemical weapons defense and physical training (PT). What most DON'T know is what to bring when going to Basic. Now, when a person swears in for the AF, they are given a list of suggested items to bring. This list, however, is very vague, short, and useless. So, I am going to give some good advice on what I would recommend you bring and what I would recommend you don't.
- Cell Phone = As of January 2010, Trainees can bring cell phones to Basic. I can remember my brother (in Basic 2008) calling us from the BMT payphone, all crackly with other Airman shouting in line behind him to hurry up. ~WARNING: all Trainees make one call to family/friends to tell their address. They are not allowed to say anything else, not "how are you?" or "I love you," nothing like that. So, don't be upset as a family member if they sound a little short with you, and don't ask questions during that first call since they can't answer anything. ~ So, no more awful payphone calls (unless you don't bring your cell). There are rules, though, about cell phones:

1. Trainees are encouraged to utilize their cell phone to notify a family member of their safe arrival at the San Antonio International Airport.  Trainees will not have any specific squadron/dorm assignments at this time. - Call your parents BEFORE going onto the Base. Last chance to peacefully talk to family until BMT graduation day.

2. Within 72 hours, trainees will be authorized to call and release their mailing address information posted on the safe arrival postcard (which will then be mailed to family member's address). (What I mentioned above, but without having to use the payphone)

3. Trainees will use cell phones only under direct supervision of a Military Training Instructor (TI).

4. Trainees are provided one phone session per week (minimum of 15 minutes).  Trainees needing to contact family members to retrieve important processing documents or information are not restricted.

5. Cell phones will be used for voice conversations only.  Receiving, sending, sharing, or viewing videos/pictures/text messages is strictly prohibited (that means NOT ALLOWED).  Violations WILL result in disciplinary actions (you could get washed back - meaning you'd have to do Basic all over again - or even get kicked out).

6. Prior to arriving at BMT, trainees must remove all photographs or videos which are considered lewd or pornographic (I mean really, do I even have to tell you not to have nasty photos?).  TIs will conduct a "Cell Phone Policy Briefing" during the initial health, morale, and welfare inspection (Check to make sure you're not a psycho).  Trainees will sign a cell phone briefing roster stating they have been informed of and understand all policies associated with the use of cell phones while at BMT.

- Pre-addressed and Stamped Envelopes = You'll be so tired and crazy busy in Basic, this just makes writing your family way easier.
- Paperwork = You have a LOT of paperwork, so make sure you have ALL of it before you leave for Basic. This includes: College Transcripts or JROTC or Civil Air Patrol Certificates which can get you a higher rank when you get done with your last MEPS trip right before you leave. Bring your marriage license (if married), driver's license (needed for a lot of AF jobs), birth certificates of all children you have and spouse because these allow you to get your BAH and shopping privileges for your sweetheart, SS card, Green Card if you have one, any Banking information (like a deposit slip or blank check that'll have the routing # and account #).
- Cash = No more than $40. Why you'd want to bring any, though, is beyond me. I know that there's a BX, a pizza place, and a Burger King on Base, but you don't really get to enjoy it there until later.
- Hygiene Products = Some deodorant, some toothpaste, a toothbrush (in a container - not the round kind or you'll get a demerit for it rolling around during inspection), you know. Girls, bring some lady products, but not tons because you can buy some on base. Girls, also bring a hairbrush or comb - guys don't need one since it all gets shaved off right away. Bring 2-in-1 shampoo and conditioner. Bring body wash/soap (DON'T bring bar soap). A razor is okay to bring for guys, but us ladies don't shave until the 6th week, so we can shop at the BX.
- Black Pen = For signing and writing on official AF documents. (NOT blue, BLACK!)
- Clothes = Just like on the official list, don't bring any inappropriate shirt, just plain shirts with no pictures or writing on them (And yes, the cool AF shirt the recruit gave you has a picture on it - don't bring it). You wear them during Week Zero before you get your uniform. Underwear is a little different - guys wear civilian undies for Week Zero before being issued their choice of boxes or briefs that are all the same. Girls - please choose decent undies for Basic. Even if you're only wearing them for a little while, try not to stand out (the TI will give you the worst verbal beatings if you do) so exchange those neon thongs for some normal white panties before you leave. Though all girls are required to purchase undies at the BX (so we're all uniform), the sections are LIMITED so if you're hard to fit into a normal size, you can bring extra of your own (normally bring four pairs - guys, too). Remember, ladies, to bring around six sports bras to Basic, grey or white. Also, girls, bring bobby pins, hair bands, etc, that are close to your shade of hair color. (Don't forget!) And GLASSES (for those who wear them) - wear yours down to Basic, even though a couple weeks in you'll be issued a hideous pair of military eyeglasses that are your prescription.
- Prescriptions = Because it's hard to tell if you're actually smuggling in illegal narcotics on the Base, the AF gives everyone with medications their meds on Base, rather than having you bring your own.
- Fancy Running Shoes = Before you go out and buy some fancy, expensive pair of shoes for BMT, DON'T. The Air Force has regulation plain white, New Balance shoes that all Trainees are given.
- Leaky/Drippy/Colored = Anything that you think will drip even a little, make a mess, or stain, do NOT bring it. Most people suggest clear shampoo and body wash for inspections. Don't bring those gel shaving cans that ooze out later when you're not looking because you'll get demerits for them.
- Notebook/ Paper = If you want to bring fancy paper or even normal stuff for Basic to write your family, I would suggest leaving it at home. There is paper on Base you can buy. As for the notebook, everyone gets the same exact "standard issue" AF notebook at Basic for taking notes.
- Magazine/Book = If you wanted to read on the flight, leave it at the Airport. Otherwise, don't even take any. The TI will go through all your belongs and will scream at you for all unusual items - which include books since they aren't on the list.
- Contacts = Leave them HOME. When you get to Basic, they will show you nasty pictures of when contacts do gross things to eyes. You aren't allowed to wear contacts for safety reasons, so leave them.
- Panty Hose/ Nylons = You can bring your own, but if you choose to then bring the skin colored ones. If not, ladies usually buy them at the BX towards the end of BMT for the graduation ceremony and such.
- Laundry Soap = Everyone in Basic pitches in and buys a HUGE box for everyone to use, so you don't need to bring your own unless you have some kind of skin problem or allergy so you have to.
- Pictures = I know it sounds bad, but they will make fun of you for bringing pictures of your family/spouse/friends and the TI will single you out to be picked on constantly for standing out. So, I recommend leaving pictures home until BMT graduation.
- Make Up =  Guys, you can't wear any. Ladies, you can't either.

Remember that everything you bring is going to go through inspections. If it can't be kept clean, don't bring it, you'll only get demerits.

If you're curious about anything Air Force or military, or, really, anything, just comment or message me and I'll happily answer.

Thanks for reading,

Airman Trainee Elizabeth